LC Automation
Call LC Automation on 01254 685900 +44 (0)1254 685900 E-mail LC Automation

Get or Reset Password

Your email address:    

Five Easy Steps to Complete Your Registration or Reset Your Existing Password.

  1. Fill in your e-mail address above (it must match our database - give us a call if we can't find your details).

  2. Click 'Get or Reset Password'.

  3. It might look as if nothing is happening, but don't worry we will be working in the background.

  4. Check your inbox, we will send you a security e-mail with a link to confirm your identity.

  5. Click the link, create your password and you're in! It should only take a couple of minutes.

Please give us a call on 01254 685900 if you have any problems.

If you're having any problems at all, or would like to open a full LC Automation Customer Account, please don't hesitate to call us on 01254 685900. Outside normal working hours (Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm), please send an e-mail to