LC Automation Are Now a Part of the North East Automotive Alliance!
The North East Automotive Alliance are the largest automotive cluster in the UK, and we are so happy to have joined them!
We know this partnership is going to bring some really exciting opportunities, for everyone!
Supporting the North East Automotive Supply Chain
As a proactive industry-led cluster group and one of the fastest growing in the UK, the North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) is here to represent and work on behalf of the whole North East automotive sector.
Whether you are building cars or components, providing supporting infrastructure, working in commercial, off highway or developing technologies for electrification, we have nurtured a network of like-minded businesses who take a collaborative approach to improving the region's economic sustainable growth and competitiveness.
Their vision is simple - to build upon the region's significant automotive capability and to firmly establish the North East as a true global automotive and electrification powerhouse - which encompasses a very dynamic, forward looking and competitive supply chain that incorporates strengths in research, development and innovation in new automotive technologies and manufacturing processes.
The NEAA has a proven track record in helping members make valuable business connections, whilst also supporting collaborative opportunities and the coordination of industry-led activities. They offer a broad scope of membership services and many members have maximised these to great advantage.
"The Automotive sector in the North East is celebrated as one of the most
productive, and progressive manufacturing sectors in Europe. It's a fantastic
success story, and LC Automation is proud to have been part of the Automotive
supply chain for many years, which is why we have joined the NEAA."
- Peter Stott, Managing Director at LC Automation
Leading the Drive for Net Zero
The North East is one of the most established and productive manufacturing sectors in Europe, home to Nissan, an abundance of other thriving manufacturing giants and a globally competitive supply chain. The region produces 30% of all UK passenger vehicles, which includes 20% of all battery electric vehicles across Europe and 350,000 engines per year. Three of the UK's top five off-highway manufacturers are based here and produce 10% of all UK non-highway vehicles.
Electrification is a key part of the Government's plan to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2050 and this represents a huge opportunity for the North East of England. No other region in the UK can compare to the North East's electrification credentials which date back to the 1920's.
The region is home to Europe's most successful Electric Vehicle (EV), the Nissan lEAF, Europe's first Giga battery manufacturing facility, and has full Power Electronics, Motors and Drives (PEMD) capability.
"Industrial Automation has played a huge part in the success of the Automotive
sector, from huge welding robots in the Nissan plant to improving product quality
with Tier 1 suppliers using electrical actuators. Whatever your part in this fantastic
industry, LC Automation will support your development and help to make your
business more competitive."
- Peter Stott, Managing Director at LC Automation
Looking for more information? We can help with that...
If you want to know more about products and partnerships that could benefit your automotive operation, or have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch on 01254 685900 and our Internal Sales Advisors or Technical Support Engineers will be happy to chat!